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Betty’s Bay Baboon Action Group BBBAG


Who is Betty’s Bay BAG?


Started by Renee with a group of volunteers who would like to keep the Betty’s Bay baboons wild and free. 

Since the devastating fire in January 2019, there has been an increase in baboon dispersion in the various neighbourhoods within Betty’s Bay. People are now facing an increased number of these wild animals moving through their properties.

Baboons have no interest in people, only our food.

We need to work together to work on solutions for waste disposal. This is a work in progress for a new challenge we have never faced before on this scale. Through this group we hope to find ways to co-exist without conflict. Bettys Bay and the surrounding towns in the area are within the Kobelberg Biosphere Reserve and we need to live in harmony with our local wildlife.

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All images ©PeteOxford.